Waste Expo Australia 2023 is strongly supported by industry with Sustainability Victoria, Recycling Victoria, Victorian Waste Management Association (VWMA), and EPA Victoria all playing a key role in the extensive seminar series, targeted workshops, industry events and keynote addresses across the 2-day event on October 25-26.
Tony Circelli, Head of Recycling Victoria says “[Recycling Victoria] are committed to meaningful, transparent and frequent engagement with our stakeholders and look forward to strengthening our relationships with industry at Waste Expo Australia…”
Visitors and exhibitors can join Tony at his opening address on Day 1 of the conference, giving an update from Recycling Victoria, and his panel discussion on ‘What does a modern contemporary regulator look like?’
Likewise, VWMA who have supported Waste Expo Australia over the past several years have encouraged participants to “brace [themselves] for an exhilarating journey, as we collaborate ignite sparks of genius, and foster an atmosphere ripe for revolutionary breakthroughs”.
VWMA are setting the tone of the event by inviting all participants to their industry breakfast, hosted on Day 1 at Waste Expo Australia, with their Managing Director Ken Dickins, following it up by joining in on panel discussions including ‘Redefining Landfills for a Greener Future’ and ‘Managing Food Waste – Circular Food Systems – Innovation & Technologies.’
EPA Victoria who are the registration sponsor join VWMA on the ‘Managing Food Waste’ panel discussion as one of Waste Australia’s sponsors, imparting their wisdom on how we can all reduce the harmful effects of pollution and waste on the environment.
Lee Miezis, Chief Executive Officer of EPA Vic, will also provide an overview of the first year of Victoria’s new environmental framework; presenting EPA’s focus for the coming 12 months targeting emerging pollution and waste issues.
If you want to join these major industry supporters and leaders to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities for the sector with over 2700 visitors, register for free at wasteexpoaustralia.com.au.
Council Magazine is a Media Partner of Waste Expo Australia.