The Western Australian Government has officially launched the new Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021-2025: Convenient, smart and secure services for all Western Australians, which will help State Government agencies improve the ways they deliver services.
The Digital Strategy will drive better service delivery by integrating and streamlining government services and regulatory processes. Government operations will be reoriented around the needs of people and businesses, rather than the structures of government – making it easier and safer for WA people and businesses to interact with the State Government.
Government decisions and services should be informed by data. The Digital Strategy will build whole-of-government data and analytics capabilities for new insights into WA’s most complex social, health, environmental and economic issues.
It is also essential the State Government continues to protect its online services and systems from cyber threats. The Digital Strategy will strengthen the State Government’s capability to detect, prevent and respond to cyber incidents.
As services and regulatory processes become more digital, the ability to access and use digital technology is even more critical. The Digital Strategy will help ensure that all Western Australians are digitally included by delivering initiatives that address the key barriers – connectivity, affordability, skills and design.
Innovation and ICT Minister, Don Punch, said, “The McGowan Government is committed to reorienting government services and regulatory processes around the needs of people and businesses rather than expecting people and businesses to organise themselves around inflexible government structures.
“The new Digital Strategy will change the way the government works and make it easier for people and businesses to interact with the State Government.
“The Digital Strategy will expand our existing cyber resilience and capability to manage critical cyber security risks, which are occurring worldwide in both unprecedented frequency and magnitude.
“The McGowan Government is ensuring no one is left behind as our services become more digital, and the Digital Strategy will remove barriers to inclusion so all Western Australians can access and use the internet and digital technology.”