Toowoomba Regional Council is rallying around those affected by the tragic earthquake in the Kurdish region of Túrkiye and Syria, holding a vigil to commemorate those lost and injured in the disaster.
The vigil will light up key landmarks to recognise those lost in the earthquake, which has claimed thousands of lives and injured and displaced many more.
Toowoomba Region Deputy Mayor, Cr Geoff McDonald, said Toowoomba would do all it could to support those caught up in the disaster and to assist loved ones from Túrkiye and Syria living in Toowoomba.
“The earthquake disaster in Túrkiye and Syria is on a massive scale and has become the world’s deadliest seismic event in more than a decade,” Deputy Mayor Mconald said.
“In 2013 Toowoomba was officially declared a Refugee Welcome Zone and has helped to resettle many families of Túrkish and Syrian background.
“Many of those families will have loved ones back home impacted and we want to show that Toowoomba is thinking of them and has support services in place at this awful time.
“On Thursday 16 February at 6pm, Toowoomba Regional Council will be hosting a vigil at the Civic Square for those lost in the earthquake.”
“In a further show of support, key Toowoomba landmarks like City Hall, The Annex and Victoria Street Bridge will light up in special colours at the time of the vigil to further show Toowoomba’s support,” Deputy Mayor Mconald said.
Feature image supplied by Toowoomba Regional Council.