Along with water, energy is one of the world’s most precious commodities. Today, probably more than at any other time in history, the human race has a duty to reduce energy wastage and improve the method in which we utilise the rest.
The evolution of smart cities will have a huge impact on this. As we move towards IoT technology and real-time data analysis, so energy efficiency becomes more realistic. However, it’s not just about information gathering – saving energy also relies on companies having intricate knowledge about how their products work under pressure.
Water companies, utilities, wastewater and other industries are responsible for managing their assets in a way that uses minimal energy. The knowledge of customer consumption and dynamic production is one way to have a positive impact. So too, is understanding the areas where unnecessary energy is being used. Smart cities aren’t just about flexing to requirements; it’s also about putting equipment that can provide ongoing information that those responsible for maintenance can react to.
Energy saving and smart cities
When we think of smart cities, the greatest impacts will be seen within industries such as:
- Traffic and infrastructure
- Utilities
- Energy and Power
While the former is most impacted by data analysis and real-time action, utilities and energy also have an additional element – incredible energy consumption, a large proportion of which is determined by the many pumping systems in use.
Therefore, traffic, transportation and other infrastructure energy savings will mostly be achieved through smart changes based on demand.
For example, diverting traffic away from a congested area to allow for more efficient journeys. This reduces fuel consumption, lowers emissions and increases the travel experience for the individuals involved.
Public transport services can also be ramped up at peak times, reduced when necessary and therefore become more efficient. In turn, the public will be more turned onto using a reliable service, further reducing road congestion.
However, if we turn our attention to the industries that rely on pumping systems, the key to energy saving here is to increase the efficiency of the assets. While it’s commonly accepted that frictional losses are one the largest elements of energy consumption, this certainly isn’t the whole story.
When it comes to reducing energy usage within process industries, many more factors can be dramatically improved.
Why concentrating on sealing systems can reduce energy use
The quality of seals on pumps greatly affects the energy used, and this historically neglected maintenance area can have huge repercussions. If pumps leak fluids , the overall efficiency is dramatically reduced.
One of the most basic reasons for moving towards a smart city infrastructure is to reduce energy. No matter what other beneficial applications are put in place, if pumps power water production and wastewater management, and assist in the gas supply process, and other areas are bleeding power, the results can never be maximised. Addressing issues at this level is a major element of smart city logistics.
Many traditional seal support systems are outdated, with companies using inefficient and short-lived methods. With smart city infrastructure being accelerated, now is the time that industries need to address this. After all, a water company (for example) that receives instant data that allows it to increase and reduce flow as necessary can never provide an effective service if it’s wasting energy thanks to inefficient seals.
So how can companies address this? The key is first to seek expert advice to determine where the inefficiencies lie and what technology is available to overcome them.
Pump Systems Advisory Service and the Plant Efficiency Consultative Service for industrial water and energy reduction offered by Chesterton, are the way forward. Using in-depth analysis to discover where improvements can be made and creating a bespoke sealing solution is key to making the best of the burgeoning smart city revolution.
Our planet is warming – no amount of climate change denial will alter this fact. Industries are responsible for ensuring energy and water-efficient operation to help combat this. As technology moves forward and smart cities become a reality, no amount of data collection and analysis will have the desired effect if the underlying process industries can’t reduce and streamline their use of our most precious commodities.
Without wanting to sound melodramatic, we need to address our usages from every angle. Smart cities are a huge step forward for energy saving,
but let’s not forget that all of this relies on some of the smallest elements that power society. That includes the quality of the seals that allow our utilities to be delivered to our homes and businesses with the least effect on the planet.
As the old saying goes, “it’s the little things that count the most”, and within the industrial world, you can’t get much smaller than seals.
We ignore them at our peril…
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