The project team working on a toolkit to assist South Australian regional councils alleviate severe housing supply shortages is seeking input from councils experiencing shortages.
The South Australian Region Organisation of Councils (SAROC) Regional Housing Policy Toolkit aims to assist councils play a constructive role in addressing the severe housing supply shortages experienced across regional South Australia, and ultimately enable longer-term economic and community growth and sustainability.
Significant national investigation is being done on addressing housing shortages and this project aims to reflect the unique challenges and opportunities for regional South Australian communities and the valuable role that local government can play.
The toolkit aims to identify common housing supply barriers and provide councils with innovative policy options available to help facilitate housing development in their communities.
Complementing the toolkit, an advocacy agenda will also be developed, including a prioritised list of policy reform options available for the LGA and SAROC to take to other levels of government.
To undertake the project, the SAROC Committee has appointed Leonie Boothby & Associates, working in collaboration with Jeff Tate (of Jeff Tate Consulting Pty Ltd) and Elinor Walker (of ESD Planning & Design).
The project team has commenced engagement with key stakeholders, including consultation with council planners and economic development staff. The consultation phase will run from 25 October to 25 November.
During this period, the project team is keen to identify case studies of regional councils experiencing significant housing supply shortages, solutions being investigated or implemented, and any local or regional housing studies being conducted which may inform the development of the SAROC toolkit.
For more information, or to provide input into the process, contact Leonie Boothby (Principal consultant, Leonie Boothby & Associates) at