City of Parramatta Lord Mayor, Donna Davis, has encouraged the local community to share their input on the preferred route and stops for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2.
Mayor Davis said, “It’s important that the community get their say on where the second stage of the Parramatta Light Rail should be built, so this is a step in the right direction.
“With so many people relying on public transport to get to or from work, school or study, I encourage everyone to share their feedback and have their voices heard on this vital piece of infrastructure.
“City of Parramatta Council has long advocated for a light rail network that includes the communities in Sydney Olympic Park, Wentworth Point and Melrose Park, which are in desperate need of better transport connections.”
Mayor Davis said Council estimates up to 29,000 new homes will be built along the proposed Stage 2 route over the next 15 years, including at Camellia – a key riverside precinct on the doorstep of the Parramatta CBD.
“The people living in these new homes will need public transport, and the communities and businesses along the route need more certainty than this. They need a funding commitment now,” Mayor Davis said.