The Victorian Government has greenlit a South Melbourne housing development which is set to deliver hundreds of new homes.
Victorian Minister for Planning, Sonya Kilkenny, announced the approval of more than 240 new homes on Dorcas Street in South Melbourne, close to the new Anzac Station which will open with the Metro Tunnel later in 2025.
This 20-storey Time & Place development will deliver a mix of studio, one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom homes, alongside retail space, providing hundreds of Victorians with a home close to transport, jobs, and services.
Fast-tracked through the Development Facilitation Program, the project is part of the State Government’s broader strategy to deliver more homes where Victorians want to live.
Minister Kilkenny said that the government has fast-tracked more homes in the heart of South Melbourne to ensure hundreds more Victorians can live around the corner from the brand-new Anzac Station as well as trams, the Botanical Gardens, schools, shops and services.
“We know more Victorians want the choice to live close to public transport and projects like the Metro Tunnel and the Suburban Rail Loop are helping deliver just that – enabling thousands more homes to be built in areas well-connected to public transport.”