The Queensland Government’s Incentivising Infill Development Fund (IIDF) is set to invest in 20 more development projects, fast-tracking 1,870 new homes.  

The fund – part of the State Government’s Homes for Queenslanders plan – covers the cost of essential infrastructure like water, roads and sewerage, as well as development application fees for well-located homes. 

By covering known infrastructure costs, it also prevents these costs being passed on to homebuyers, promoting housing choice and improving affordability. 

The 20 projects will be located across Brisbane, Logan, Moreton Bay, Ipswich and the Sunshine Coast and share in $31.6 million.   

In July, the government announced the first 60 projects to receive payment through the fund, bringing 1,800 homes forward. 

The fund is the result of feedback from industry and local governments on how to bring forward development proposals while ensuring that local councils remain funded for critical infrastructure to support necessary growth. 

It joins several initiatives under the Homes for Queenslanders plan to unlock more homes in well located areas faster, including a new pathway to fast-track development applications. 

Queensland Minister for Housing, Meaghan Scanlon, said that the government created this fund because industry said it wanted to build homes faster, it just needed that extra support to get projects shovel-ready.  

“In the first tranche, we were able to bring 1,800 homes forward and today we’re bringing forward another 1,870.”  

Image: Kwangmoozaa/  


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