Mount Kynoch Water Treatment Plant

Toowoomba Regional Council has awarded a contract to upgrade the Mt Kynoch Water Treatment Plant, helping to improve the reliability of the water supply for Toowoomba and surrounding areas.

The $28 million contract is to complete the stage 4 upgrade which is required to implement modern water treatment processes and provide water security until 2031, in line with population growth forecasts.

Toowoomba Water and Waste Committee Chair, Councillor Rebecca Vonhoff, said Fulton Hogan Utilities Pty Ltd was awarded the contract in November 2021 after completing a successful early contractor involvement phase.

“The water treatment plant, built in 1975, has a conventional filtration capacity of 49ML/day. The upgrade will add a further 16ML/day and include ultraviolet disinfection as an additional treatment barrier,” Cr Vonhoff said.

“A new duplicate 240m section of raw water main will be part of the project which also includes a new valve house and delivery main.”

Works will also include replacing mechanical and electrical equipment, improved chemical management and new chemical dosing systems, and remediation to increase the longevity of the existing concrete tanks.

“Full design is expected to be completed in July 2022, with stage works commencing in April 2022, weather permitting, with all upgrade works to be completed by February 2024,” Cr Vonhoff said.

“While this upgrade is required to address our immediate population growth, requirements beyond 2031 are currently being investigated through the construction of a new plant.”

Cr Vonhoff said the toilet block would need to be removed as part of the preparation works, which include the installation of the new duplicate raw water main, and the park and playground will be closed to allow the works.

“Council will have signage in place directing visitors to the nearest public amenities at Reg Veacock Park in nearby Harlaxton,” Cr Vonhoff said.

“During construction, residents in the vicinity may notice an increase of traffic to the site and occasional movement of heavy machinery. The cut-ins and upgrade of new and existing equipment will be managed to ensure no impact or disruption of potable water supply to the community.

“Water quality will be continually monitored to ensure it meets stringent water quality guidelines during the upgrades.”


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