Councils from across Queensland have called on the State Government to increase financial support to local First Nations councils and communities.
The Councils resoundingly voted in favour of a resolution calling for an immediate 20 per cent increase in State Government Financial Aid (SGFA) to First Nations councils at the Local Government Association of Queensland’s (LGAQ) 126th Annual Conference in Cairns.
LGAQ President and Sunshine Coast Council, Mayor Mark Jamieson, said SGFA funding would assist First Nations councils in supporting local jobs and providing vital infrastructure and services to their communities.
“First Nations councils are hamstrung in their ability to raise revenue through the rating of properties, so they rely on SGFA funding to help them meet rising costs,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“However, this funding is failing to keep pace with the actual cost of service delivery.
“The Queensland Government is currently reviewing the SGFA.
“Councils ask that this program’s funding is boosted while we await the outcome of the State’s review.
“A 20 per cent increase in funding would equate to less than $8 million. It’s not a lot of money but it would go a long way to helping First Nations councils deliver the jobs, services and infrastructure their local communities not only need, but deserve.”