Eleven rural and remote Queensland councils are set to benefit from $62 million in federal funding to upgrade the region’s roads, improving liveability.
The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) CEO, Alison Smith, said the Federal Government’s Remote Roads Upgrade Pilot Program would see the funding spent on critical links across Queensland, such as a section of the Warri Gate Road at the Queensland and New South Wales border.
“Eleven councils and their local communities across Queensland stand to benefit from this funding including Bulloo, Carpentaria, Balonne, Blackall-Tambo, Banana, Gladstone, Barcoo, Diamantina, Rockhampton, Maranoa, and Boulia shire and regional councils,” Ms Smith said.
“We thank Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, for listening to the needs of these communities and acting to ensure funding flows to these critical projects to improve connectivity, safety and productivity.
“Every Queensland community contributes to the economic fabric of this nation so every Queensland community deserves to be a liveable one.
“Funding like this is important to improving community liveability for all Queenslanders, no matter where they live.”